How to check listening ports in Linux

We should pay attention to listening ports, to validate and disable the unused ports in infra is a very important thing. In that the way, we can secure the server from the attack surface. So, Will see How to check listening ports in Linux

Known Ports:

993    – IMAPS
1194  – openVPN
1812  – RADIUS
995    – POP3s
2049  – NFS (nfsd, rpc.nfsd, rpc, portmap)
2401  – CVS server
3306  – MySql
3690  – SVN
6000-6063- X11
123    – NTP (Network time protocol used for time syncing uses UDP protocol)
137    – NetBIOS (nmbd)
139    – SMB-Samba (smbd)
143    – IMAP
161    – SNMP (For network monitoring)
389    – LDAP (For centralized administration)
443    – HTTPS (HTTP+SSL for secure web access)
514    – Syslogd (udp port)
636    – ldaps (both ctp and udp)
873    – rsync
989    – FTPS-data
990    – FTPS
20      – FTP Data (For transferring FTP data)
21      – FTP Control (For starting FTP connection)
22      – SSH (For secure remote administration which uses SSL to encrypt the transmission)
23      – Telnet (For insecure remote administration)
25      – SMTP (Mail Transfer Agent for e-mail server such as SEND mail)
53      – DNS (Special service which uses both TCP and UDP)
67      – Bootp
68      – DHCP
69      – TFTP (Trivial file transfer protocol uses udp protocol for connection less transmission of data)
80      –  HTTP/WWW(Apache)
88      – Kerberos
110    – POP3 (Mail delivery Agent)

Issue the below command as root user to check the listening ports.

Will use  netstat command to check open ports.

#netstat -tulpn

t – Will enables listing of tcp ports.
u – Will enables listing of udp ports
n – this will shows the port numbers
l – It will list only listening pockets

We should pay attention to listening ports, to validate and disable the unused ports in infra is a very important thing. In that the way, we can secure the server from the attack surface. So, Will see How to check listening ports in Linux

/etc/services – by reading this file we can read different types port/protocol combinations and applications.

#less /etc/services

lsof command:

Package for lsof:  lsof-4.87-4.el7.x86_64

To check the package avilability in linux use the below command.

#rpm -qa | grep -i lsof

To list open ports:

#lsof -i

To display all open files:

nmap command:

    Using nmap  command will check the open ports for remote server.

Using below command will check open ports in local machine.

      #nmap -sT  -O localhost

Command to check remote machine open ports:

#nmap -sT -O

Changing/ Recovering root user password in RHEL7/ Cent OS 7

We are going to see How to Changing/ Recovering root user password in RHEL7/ CentOS 7 in this post

Boot the system and wait for GRUB menu. On some Operating systems, you need to disturb the booting by pressing any keys in your system.

Changing/ Recovering root user password in RHEL7/ Cent OS 7
Highlight the first line which is pointing the Operating System entry like showed in the above image and press “e” key in your keyboard to edit manually.
Then will get the below screen.
Using up/down, left/right arrow keys move the cursor to the “rhgb quiet” which is in kernel line starting with “linux16”
Using delete/backspace keys manually delete “rhgb quiet” entry and append “init=/bin/bash” entry like below.

Than press Ctrl+x  to reboot your OS with specified option. Once rebooted, will get a shell prompt without credentials.

check whether the root filesystem has been mounted or not.

Mount the root filesystem with RW permission.

Now issue the “passwd” command to recover/change the root password. It will ask for the new password and re-enter the password for confirmation. Once provided the new password will receive the “Authentication token successfully updated”

Relabel the SELinux content using below command.
Restart the machine using the below command.
Finally, we recovered the root password. Now will restart the machine and login with a new root password.