This post will guide you to know How to Register and Enable RedHat Subscriptions, Repositories for RHEL7 before system full upgrade or to install any packages from EPEL Repository in RedHat.
Enabling RedHat repositories are mandatory to install any packages using yum. RedHat subscription has the registered system details once the registration has been done.
All we need is newly installed system with RedHat 7.
Registering and Activating RedHat Subscrition:
As a first step we should go to the RedHat Customer portal and register there. After the successful registration do remember the credentials.
Now login to the RHEL7 server and use the below command to register your system to RedHat Customer portal with RedHat credentials which you created just before
#subscription-manager register --username <username> --password <password>
Once register your system, use the “list” option to get the all available subscription and than note down the subscription pool id which you need to activate it.
#subscription-manager list -available
if your not getting any list, than your system registration with RedHat customer portal is not purchased for subscription. Please get in touch with RedHat to proceed further.
Once you got the list of available subscription, you can use the below command to activate the subscription
#subscription-manager subscribe --pool=Pool ID number
To know the status of consumed subscription use the below command
#subscription-manager list –consumed
To list the available subscription use the below command
#subscription-manager list
Once your system registered with RedHat customer portal and activated subscription, you can enable the repositories . Use the below command to list the repositories for you subscription.
#subscription-manager repos --list
use the below command to list the available repository
#yum repolist all
To enable a specific repository, open “vi /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo” file and ensure that “enbaled=1” for concern repository which you want to enable
Now list only enabled repository by executing below command
#yum repolist
Now you can use required yum commands to update your system/ install any packages like below
#yum update
#yum install <package_name>
Reference: RedHat portal