Directory structure in Linux

We are going to see Directory structure in Linux/ Unix and what was the use of those directories.

Directory structure in Linux

/: Root

Root is a parent directory for all the directories and files.

Each and every directories and files will comes under root only.

Only root user only will do any changes in this directory.

For root user /root is the home directory and for others home directory will comes under /home


All the users home directory will be created under /home to store their files. Ex: /home/user


This directory contains boot loader information.

Boot loader file contains kernel and initramfs image details.


Contains all the executable binary files which are

commands which we are using in linux/unix.


/sbin also contains binary files like same as /bin.

But, this commands are typically used by system administrator.


Contains configuration files of all the application/programs used in Linux/Unix.

and startup scripts also stored in this location.


This directory contains all the device files and drivers as well. Like CD Drive, HDD, USB, tty


This directory is for temporary use only. All the temps files and directories stored here  which is created by user or system.

Files will be deleted after reboot of the system.


Stands for optional.

This directory contains applications installed which all are separate vendor.


Contains all the variable files and logs and  this can be grow in future based on the usage.

Ex:  /var/log/dmesg, /var/log/secure,etc…


This will be used to mount devices temporary purpose.


This directory contains libraries, variables, binaries. /usr/bin directory contains binary files for user level programs and /usr/sbin contains binary files foe system administrator levels.



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