Docker push – Error – requested access to the resource is denied
exact error: Error: writing blob: initiating layer upload to /v2/shaikabuthagirs/myrepo/blobs/uploads/ in requested access to the resource is denied
While i’m using simply below command to establish connection with, it is connecting with some other repository instead of
#docker login
because of the, we are getting above error while trying to push image from server to
We need to login to repository to fix this issue. So for that we need to mention the repository as well along with #docker login command like below
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-40-126 ~]$ docker login -u shaikabuthagirs -p "Thagir@56" Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg. Login Succeeded!
Now create tag before pushing it to hub and below is the command
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-40-126 nginx]$ docker images Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg. REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE localhost/mynginx latest 136dabf8f70c 17 minutes ago 196 MB #docker tag mynginx:latest shaikabuthagirs/nginx:v1
mynginx :latest -> my customized image: tag name(This can be like versioning and you can name it as per your own requirement)
shaikabuthagirs/nginx:v1 -> shaikabuthagirs(My docker hub account name)/nginx(repository which I created in my account):v1(tag name. As I said im using here as version 1)
After tag creation i’m listing images again
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-40-126 nginx]$ docker images
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
localhost/shaikabuthagirs/nginx v1 136dabf8f70c 19 minutes ago 196 MB
localhost/mynginx latest 136dabf8f70c 19 minutes ago 196 MB
You can see the tagged image showing now and now we can push it to docker hub using below command
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-40-126 nginx]$ docker push shaikabuthagirs/nginx:v1 Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg. Getting image source signatures Copying blob bd98674871f5 skipped: already exists Copying blob 2b99b9c5d9e5 skipped: already exists Copying blob 1e109dd2a0d7 skipped: already exists Copying blob ec04bab23527 skipped: already exists Copying blob 566e42bcee1c skipped: already exists Copying blob da8cc133ff82 skipped: already exists Copying blob 7753612990f4 done | Copying blob c44f27309ea1 skipped: already exists Copying config 136dabf8f7 done | Writing manifest to image destination [ec2-user@ip-172-31-40-126 nginx]$
Now the image has been pushed into the and see the below screenshot after the push
Thanks for reading the post and looking for your support always!